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eSource Optics offers a variety of High Reflectance broadband metallic Aluminum & Magnesium (Al & MgF2) VUV-UV mirror coatings with high reflectivity optimized  at specific VUV to UV w**elengths.   All eSource Optics broadband VUV-UV Al & MgF2 mirror coatings offer excellent reflectance properties at the specific VUV-UV w**elengths listed below, with high **erage broadband reflectance throughout the Visible to NIR.   High Reflectance broadband VUV-UV mirror coatings are specifically desig** for use in a variety of VUV-UV instrument and research appli**ions including VUV-UV-based analytical instrumentation, DUV spectrophotometers & Ellipsometers.  For the VUV to UV w**elength region, we supply % Reflectance curves with every Lot of mirrors supplied.  All eSource Optics VUV-UV Mirrors are measured on a Vacuum Spectrophotometer system capable of measuring VUV-UV reflectance as short as 120nm. The system is based on a calibrated Model VM-502 0.2 Meter Vacuum Monochromator with VUV enhanced 1200g/mm grating & Deuterium light source for very accurate VUV to UV  w**elength measurements.

eSource Optics High Reflectance broadband VUV-UV mirror coatings offer superior reflectance properties as specified below, optimized for normal incidence.  All eSource Optics broadband VUV-UV mirror coatings are **ailable as **plete VUV-UV mirrors h**ing our Analytical Quality Window substrate specifi**ions as listed below, or on customer supplied substrates.

Broadband VUV-UV Mirror Coatings

Mirror Coating Product Number                               % Reflectance ** 0 degrees A.O.I.

ES #120                                                                    78-83% R ** 121.6nm 

ES #160                                                                   84-86% R ** 160.8nm 

ES #190                                                                   >= 88% R ** 190-195nm 

ES #200                                                                   >=88-90% R ** 200nm 


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